Women are the lynchpins of communities that have experienced decades of economic, social and political disadvantage.
Inspired by the Kenyan and South African savings-based movements of Shack/Slum Dwellers International, women in Greater Manchester have come together to establish local group saving schemes. Groups regularly save small amounts together, building trust and identifying issues they want to work on together.
There are currently 5 groups up and running across Manchester and Stockport. The groups network together as GM Savers for mutual support and learning, supported by a community development charity called CLASS.
Savers also network together with other neighbourhood groups to explore ways to improve their area in partnership with service providers and authorities. CLASS supports groups to develop these networks, and to reach out to service providers and other agencies for knowledge exchange and partnership.
Given the GM Savers rapid expansion over the last two years - and their big plans for the future – we have captured some of their stories and experiences in a new report (based also on a foundational action research project). It documents what they have achieved so far, where the network is heading and why their approach matters.
Contact Sophie King at CLASS [email protected] who supports the savings groups and the developing network for more information about how the savings approach has laid strong foundations for community responses to COVID 19, the plans for the next 12 months as the situation unfolds, or about the savings approach more widely.
Read the GM Savers story so far