Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership have commissioned a Greater Manchester Cancer Screening and Engagement Programme. The aim of this Programme will be to deliver a community sector-led approach to improve the uptake in cancer screening programmes and reduce the incidence of cancers by finding new ways to engage, mobilise and work with local communities.
As part of this work, The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership are engaging local stakeholders through 3 separate stakeholder events in June. Each event has a different work focus. You can attend 1, 2 or 3 of these free sessions if they are relevant to your role.
Each stakeholder event will update you about the GM Cancer Screening and Engagement Programme. The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership will share best practice examples and service updates from each topic area. The sessions will provide an opportunity for you to share your own updates as well as informing the priorities and work plans of the new Programme.
The stakeholder event topics are as follows:
• Evaluation and Research
• Cancer Screening Services
• Training and Support
Each session is designed for people who have an interest or experience in the specific topic.
Evaluation and research session
Date & Time: Tuesday 18 June 2019, 13:30 – 16:30
Location: Kings House Conference Centre, Kings Church, Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB
Register here
Screening services session
Date & Time: Tuesday 4 June 2019, 9:30 – 12:30
Location: Kings House Conference Centre, Kings Church, Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB
Register here
Training and support session
Date & Time: Tuesday 18 June 2019, 9:30 – 12:30
Location: Kings House Conference Centre, Kings Church, Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB
Register here