Greater Manchester Successful in National Green Social Prescribing Bid

gmhscpOver the last couple of months the PCCA team have been working with a wide range of partners to submit a proposal to NHS England to deliver 3 projects within an STP footprint which aims to improve people’s mental health through green social prescribing.

The team are delighted to reveal that Greater Manchester is one of 7 successful sites across the country which will receive £500,000 over a programme of 2 years. This money will enable 3-5 Greater Manchester localities from a range of urban and rural areas to deliver projects that will support Mental Health and Wellbeing through Green Social Prescribing. 

Interested stakeholders are invited to attend a workshop on 13 January 2021, 1.30pm to discuss how this can be taken forward in Greater Manchester.

To sign up to the workshop click here (password to register: greensp)

For more information email: [email protected]