Greater Manchester Winter Night Shelter Spirit Story - It is a crucial part of having a faith

On the night of Thursday 1st December, Church of the Resurrection & St Barnabus provided food and accommodation for 12 people as part of the Greater Manchester Winter Night Shelter project. This six month project involves seven churches within a mile and a half of the city centre. The shelters are advertised and people are also referred from organisations such as the Booth Centre.

Thursday nights are the turn of the Church of the Resurrection & St Barnabus to offer shelter. They offer hot food, showers and a bed for the night for up to 12 people. Eight volunteers work in shifts from evening to the next morning, and their approach is to offer warm hospitality to their guests. The church sees it as part of their role in promoting social justice. There are not less than 8 people staying each week and they can build relationships by talking with others as well as choosing to watch TV or read. It can also be a first step to finding permanent accommodation. The Greater Manchester Winter Night Shelter has a website - - where people can donate their time or money to the project.

“The shelter provides a safe, caring and welcoming environment for people to feel human. It’s about feeling normal for a few hours and we can support them in a potentially difficult transition to permanent housing. It shows that churches and people of faith can act in a socially just manner to support people. It is a crucial part of having a faith.” Clive Hamilton, Church of the Resurrection & St Barnabus 

