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Greening Great Britain with communities

24 Jan 2020 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

Greening Greater BritainThe theme in 2020 is Growing Connections – RHS are inviting groups to connect with others in their community, through the power of plants

We all know that gardening is good for us, but often what community gardeners value most is the chance to come together with others. Previous Greening Great Britain growers have told RHS how they treasure the friendships forged by bringing a shared project to life, with plants and nature as their canvas. RHS also know that many people suffer from loneliness and isolation, and that connecting with others, particularly when a common goal can be found, can be the best antidote.

Groups are invited to apply for hands-on support from the Community Outreach team, along with a grant of up to £500, to create or revamp a place that will help to bring people together and benefit others in the community.

In 2020 RHS want to work with groups with creative ideas to improve spaces and create connections in their local community through plants and gardening.

For more information and to apply click here

Deadline: 14 February

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