Groundswell Manchester, Saturday 1 June 2019

The clock is ticking. Less than 12 years – that's how long scientists say we have left to fix the climate. Heatwaves, floods, forest fires in the Arctic – the effects of climate change are happening and the window of opportunity to act is closing. Groundswell

Yet we have hope. The solutions to climate chaos are out there and by working together we can make them a reality.

Will you be part of it? Friends of the Earth’s Groundswell will bring people together across the country and step up their mission to stop climate change.

Join Friends of Earth in Manchester and get the inspiration and tools you need to act against climate change.

There will be amazing speakers who are fighting climate change and protecting nature, including keynote speaker Asad Rehman. Asad is the Executive Director of the anti-poverty charity War on Want and was previously Head of International Climate at Friends of the Earth. Asad has served on the boards of Amnesty International UK, Friends of the Earth International, Global Justice Now and Newham Monitoring Project.

Campaign sessions will include Drastic on Plastic and Keeping it in the Ground: how we’re stopping new coal and gas. There will also be leaders of the Youth Strike for Climate and local sustainability projects for a debate on ‘How can we mobilise the broadest range of communities to join the fight against climate change?’

The mix of informative sessions, practical workshops and stimulating talks means there’s something for everyone. So whether you’re just starting your journey for climate action or a seasoned climate campaigner, taking part in Groundswell will be your next step to creating a better future.

So much has already been achieved but we’re still a long way from creating a cleaner, safer, fairer environment for people and planet. There’s never been a more important time to act.

Groundswell Manchester take place on Sat 1 June, 10am at the Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess St, Manchester, M1 6DD.

For further information and to book tickets, visit:
