Have your say - the future of policing and community safety

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester is currently developing a new police and crime plan which will set the strategic direction for the police and other organisations with responsibilities for keeping communities safe. The name of the draft plan is ‘Standing Together: A Plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester’ which reflects the range of people and organisations working together to keep us safe. Greater Manchester Combined Authority

The draft plan has been developed by talking to people working in neighbourhoods, those who have been victims of crime and the people who support them, businesses and various organisations active within Greater Manchester’s different communities. A whole host of crime, health and criminal justice statistics has also been analysed. This research has been really important in shaping the plan and deciding what is important to include.

The Mayor would now like to hear whether you think these priorities are the right ones for the city-region.

To view the draft police and crime plan and to take part in a short survey to give your views, visit: www.policesurvey.co.uk. The survey will close at midnight on 14 January 2018.

All your responses will be used to finalise the plan, which will be published later in January 2018. If you have any questions about the draft plan, email: [email protected]