Virgin Money Foundation are on a mission to support community regeneration by backing people who can make big changes happen locally.
Virgin Money Foundation love helping local communities thrive – and they’d love to see applications from community organisations working at the heart of Manchester.
Every three months, Virgin Money Foundation give three local community organisations the chance to win £2,000 – with awards of £1,000 and £500 for the runners-up.
There is a voting unit in the Manchester Lounge and the awards will go to the community organisations with the most votes from Virgin Money customers and Lounge members.
Virgin Money Foundation would love to support projects:
• Run by smaller local community organisations. That means annual running costs of less than £500,000
• Working in the parts of the City that need money the most
• With strong local roots
• Benefiting the wider community
Funds can be used to buy materials and equipment, make improvements to a community building or sports facility, clean up an area of wasteland or support an event. The money could also pay for staff to run an activity.
For further information and to apply, visit: