Hello from Carers Manchester

carers manchesterCarers Manchester is a partnership of statutory and voluntary organisations, working together to improve support for Manchester’s carers. Services available to carers include:

Carers Manchester Contact Point: offering a dedicated helpline for carers to access advice, guidance and support. The team is able to provide guidance in a variety of languages, please get in touch with them to find out more.

Call 0161 543 8000 (Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm except bank holidays)
Email [email protected]
Visit www.carersmanchester.org.uk and fill in in the enquiry form

Carers Manchester Learning and Development programme: offers FREE online workshops that take place throughout the year. These workshops aim to provide carers with the tools they need to take control of their caring role as well as offer the opportunity to meet other carers and share experiences.

Topics include: Modern Meditation, Managing Stress, Being a Carer, Welfare and Benefits and many more. They hope to start running face to face workshops again in January 2021.

Carers Manchester Local Support Services: a range of support provided by 18 Carers Network members and 2 new neighbourhood services which are due to go live in December delivering support within local communities.

These services will provide carers outreach and support services in north, central and south Manchester. 

For more information click here