Heritage Lottery Fund - Parks for People

The Heritage Lottery Fund’s (HLF) Parks for People is for projects related to historic parks and cemeteries in the UK. You can apply for a grant from £100,000 to £5million.

Parks for people projects need to contribute towards the ten outcomes listed below.

Outcomes for heritage:
With HLF investment, heritage will be:
• better managed
• in better condition
• better interpreted and explained
• identified/recorded

Outcomes for people:
With HLF investment, people will have:
• developed skills
• learnt about heritage
• volunteered time

Outcomes for communities:
With HLF investment:
• your local area/community will be a better place to live, work or visit
• environmental impacts will be reduced
• more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage

Application process
Parks for People applications go through a two-round process. This is so that you can apply at an early stage of planning your project and get an idea of whether you have a good chance of getting a grant before sending your proposals in greater detail.
• At the first and second round, your application is assessed in three months, and then it goes to the next decision meeting.
• Your development phase can take up to 24 months, depending on the complexity of your project.

Decision meetings
Decisions are made twice a year. You can submit a first-round or second-round application for either meeting. Application forms and all supporting documents need to have been received by HLF no later than the following dates:
• 28 February for a decision in June
• 31 August for a decision in December

For further information and to apply, visit: www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/ParksforPeople.aspx