Hill Dickinson Foundation Funding

The Hill Dickinson Foundation aims to help the lives of local people in the areas it works by providing support for good causes. It is particularly keen to fund projects that create vibrant and diverse communities by encouraging community cohesion and meeting local social need. Hill Dickinson

Applicants should ensure they demonstrate how their proposed project meets the Hill Dickinson Foundation priorities below and beneficiaries should be from the Manchester area.

Priority will be given to projects that support education, health and employability.

The programme is aimed at small grassroots groups with an income level of under £200,000.

The maximum amount you can apply for is £5,000. The total budget available for this area is £15,000.

Examples of the sorts of projects that may be funded:
• Projects that cater for people with disabilities and special needs
• Training and skill development for young people
• Mentoring scheme to improve young people’s employability
• Support for carers groups
• Activities for older people to reduce social isolation
• Arts and culture projects that bring different ages/generations together
• Projects that break down barriers between different sectors of the community
• Community garden/growing projects that have health or educational benefits

The closing date is Friday 10 November but due to a limited budget the fund may close earlier when sufficient applications are received.

For further information and to apply, visit: www.cfmerseyside.org.uk/funds/hill-dickinson-foundation-manchester