Holland’s offers Canteen Kit Out for North West community groups, businesses and households

Community groups, workplaces and households across the North West are being given the chance to win a ‘Canteen Kit Out’ this winter, after research* has revealed that just 38 per cent of locals take a regular lunchbreak. Hollands

Involving over 1,000 people from the region, the survey was conducted by Holland’s to explore the lunchtime habits of locals. Having seen the results, the north’s favourite baker has been compelled to launch a new Hunger Buster campaign which will see it provide a ‘kitchen or canteen kit out’ to a worthy cause with the most persuasive appeal.

Comprising of a fridge, a microwave and a stash of Holland’s brand new Micro 2 Go® slices, a unique prize package has been put together to help tackle the lunchtime lows but the competition closes at noon this Thursday 26 January 2017, 12pm.

Organisations and groups wanting to put in their plea can email: [email protected] with the information below or visit Holland’s Twitter page @HollandsPies for full details on how to enter. Judges will be looking for personality, originality and strength of case within the winning entry with a shortlist being put to the public vote in February this year.

Entry information:
• Name of key contact:
• Date of birth for key contact:
• Organisation/club/business/house that the prize would be awarded to:
• Address of organisation/club/business/house (the prize delivery point):
• Number of people employed, volunteering or living there:
• Contact telephone numbers of key contact (business and mobile where possible):
• Email address:
• 300 words stating why you deserve the Hunger Busters prize and the impact it would have:
• A hi-res photograph of your team/group/family (if available):

*research conducted through Google surveys with 1,005 North West residents

For further information and to apply, visit: www.hollandspies.co.uk/hungerbusters/