Homeless link – 2019 Cold Weather Fund

Homeless LinkThe Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government are providing up to £1million of the Cold Weather Fund to Homeless link to administer funding to charitable organisations that are not commissioned by local authorities. The project’s overall aim is to financially support local providers in helping people sleeping rough off the streets this winter.

What types of organisations will be funded?
Homeless link will fund frontline organisations who are working to help end rough sleeping, who can demonstrate how grant funding will reduce rough sleeping and offer longer-term solutions from people sleeping rough accessing these shelters, by supporting moves into accommodation, and sustainable longer-term accommodation for those moving off the streets. Applicants much be registered charities/CIOs.

What types of activities will be funded?
Proposals must demonstrate how they will help end rough sleeping.

Grants must be for one or both of two purposes:
1. To provide additional accommodation to rough sleepers during the period 1 December 2019 to 31 March 2020. By additional we mean additional to what is already being commissioned by the local authority. This can be either shelter beds or other accommodation.
2. To enhance the support provided in or complementary to existing commissioned shelter beds to reduce the level of returns to the street for people sleeping rough accommodated in shelters and to help secure long-term move-on from shelters.

As part of this latter strand Homeless link will consider applications for training and workforce development or provision for Day Centres to extend provision to integrate services with local shelters, personalised budgets for people sleeping rough or similar activities that enhance the quality of support provided in shelters or the chances of achieving good move on outcomes from shelters.

Bids should seek to offer longer-term solutions for people sleeping rough accessing shelters, by supporting moves into accommodation, and sustainable longer-term accommodation for those moving off the streets.

Bids will be strongly prioritised if they seek to provide support for specific groups such as vulnerable women, LGBT, couples, or pet owners.

Note - this grant is not to fund services commissioned by local authorities but you will need the support from your local authority for your bid in the form of a letter or email.

How much can I apply for?
You can apply for a grant up to £25,000. Larger grants up to £50,000 may be considered for projects working across multiple authorities.

Key dates
The grant application window will open on Monday 14 October 2019 and close on Friday 6 December 2019.

Grant applications received by 31 October 2019 will be considered in an initial round.
All successful awards must be spent by the 31 March 2020.

How will funding decisions be made?
Each application is assessed on its own merit according to the criteria published in the application guidance. The grants panel will consist of a Homeless Link SMT member, MHCLG representative(s), and an independent person, and be chaired by a Homeless Link trustee.

For further information and to apply, visit: www.homeless.org.uk/connect/blogs/2019/oct/11/2019-cold-weather-fund-application-guidance, or email: [email protected],uk, with the subject Cold Weather Fund Enquiry and provide your organisation and contact name.