The aim of the Future Ready Fund is ‘To protect and enhance essential and strategically critical services for single homeless people and support them in the transition to becoming sustainable’
This means the fund is there to help organisations get ready for the future.
To be eligible for the Future Ready Fund organisations must:
• Be a ‘not for profit’ organisation (charity, social enterprise, community organisation etc.)
• Must provide services to single homeless people and rough sleepers
• Should spend more than 50% of your income on single homeless people
• have approved annual accounts no more than 12 months old
What will be funded?
What do you need you do to make sure your organisation is still here in 2 years’ time?
Proposals will be funded that:
• Lead to stronger organisations or test/pilot new approaches that will attract funding
• Prepare your organisation for change
• Build your skills and abilities to take advantage of new funding opportunities
• Build relationships or partnerships which strengthen organisations and help to attract funding and provide better services
• Make a real difference and will make sure organisations can continue to support clients in the best ways possible
Organisations can apply for any amount between £5,000 and £25,000.
For further information and to apply, visit:, or email: [email protected].