Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying grants

The government has made tackling all forms of bullying a top priority and has been clear that it does not want any young person to go to school dreading the treatment they will get. It is never acceptable for a child to be bullied, victimised or harmed in any way. Bullying is a priority in the Department for Education’s (DfE) National Prosepctus Grants Programme 2015/16. This is a separate grant funded by the Government Equalities Office (GEO) that specifically targets homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. It is being administered by the GEO in conjunction with the DfE

The GEO and the DfE wish to fund organisations to build schools’ knowledge and capacity to prevent and tackle homophobic bullying more effectively. They are particularly interested in bids that engage in partnership with at least one high performing school such as a Teaching School or leading school in an academy chain for projects in England.

Grants of £100,000 - £750,000 are available to voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprises and other organisations bidding on a “not for profit” basis. An approach that engages schools, and which recognises and galvanizes the range of expertise and specialisms within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) charitable sector would be welcomed.

The GEO and the DfE are keen to support organisations to develop innovative and sustainable practice in some, or all, of the following areas:

Build schools capacity to take appropriate action, develop the knowledge and skills of staff to understand homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying so they have the confidence to identify and deal with it effectively.

Trial school-based initiatives aimed at addressing HBT bullying, by promoting tolerance, mutual respect and understanding, and challenging prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes and homophobic language.

Establish appropriate and effective pastoral support for victims of bullying which recognise the distinct issues involved in homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.

Develop a practical suite of tools and/or accessible educational materials and techniques such as lesson plans and other education materials that support schools in preventing and tackling HBT bullying.

Establish effective ways that encourage pupils to report bullying through solutions that empower pupils to report HBT bullying and enable schools to monitor the impact and effectiveness of their policies.

For further information and to apply, visit: https://online.contractsfinder.businesslink.gov.uk/Common/View%20Notice.aspx?site=1000&lang=en&noticeid=1617209&fs=true

Deadline: 3 December 2014, 12noon