This is an important message from Naresh Kanumilli, Clinical Lead for Diabetes at the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network requesting input from the VCSE groups on the draft GM Diabetes Strategy.
For and on behalf of Naresh Kanumilli, SCN Clinical Lead for Diabetes:
Dear Colleagues
I am writing to update you on some important work in relation to diabetes care in Greater Manchester and to seek your help in socialising a GM-wide strategy.
We all know that we need to improve diabetes care and reduce unwarranted variation. The Strategic Clinical Network (SCN) works to support the health and social care system in GM to improve care quality and patient outcomes in this regard across a range of health systems. With these points in mind, Jon Rouse, Chief Officer at the Greater Manchester (GM) Health & Social Care Partnership tasked the SCN with developing a Diabetes Strategy for GM.
The SCN worked with a network of providers, commissioners, patient representatives and third-sector stakeholders (details available on request) throughout 2017 to devise and consult on the resulting strategy, which is now attached. It aims to articulate ‘what good diabetes care would look like in GM’.
Localities already have budgets and transformation funding in place within which they need to take forward diabetes improvement work. The GM Diabetes Strategy and additional resources are designed to support this work and provide a mechanism to help localities develop consistent high quality care across GM.
We believe the strategy presents a valuable opportunity for localities to evaluate their current approaches to diabetes in this context and, to support them in this regard, the SCN have developed a draft service specification. This can be used to benchmark locally commissioned services, identify gaps and develop improvement plans where required.
Moving forward, the SCN will develop plans from 2018 to support the diabetes care system in using these resources to deliver quality improvement. It will continue to host a Diabetes Network and governance structure which will provide a forum for considering variation identified in the system and opportunities for joint working to reduce or eradicate it where possible. We will make further contact regarding this in the New Year. We would welcome your involvement and support in socialising this strategy.
Please click here in order to access the relevant documents relating to the GM Diabetes Strategy and Service Specification located on the GMCVO website for ease of reference.
If you have any specific comments or feedback on the GM Diabetes Strategy, please forward these to Ewan Jones ([email protected]) by 31 January 2018. If you have queries relating to the draft Service Specification, please contact Krista Williams ([email protected]) at the SCN by the same date. We would be grateful if you would disseminate the attached documents throughout your networks prior to the development of our diabetes support programme in the early 2018. It would be helpful if you could cc Angela Devine ([email protected]) in to any forwarded emails.
Thank you and best regards.
Naresh Kanumilli
SCN Clinical Lead for Diabetes