The John Grant Davies Trust provides funding for groups based in areas of urban deprivation in Greater Manchester and which are combating poverty and empowering local people to help in their own community.
Grants are normally made between the values of £100 and £3,000. However, an exceptional application may receive a greater amount of funding.
Applications for revenue funding over a period of up to three years will also be considered.
Voluntary and community groups working in the most deprived areas of Greater Manchester are eligible to apply.
Priority will be given to small scale organisations and/or projects.
Assistance may also be given to individuals, for example in educational projects which are about developing community action.
The Trustees will consider applications that address the following:
• Projects which show how people in poverty will be empowered. The agenda of the project should be set by those in poverty/marginalised groups and not simply by those working for/with them
• Projects which recognise the importance of structural change, and see ways in which local responses can prepare the way
• Applications which show a creative response to a problem in their community and which can be seen as signs of hope
• Work which attempts to build up communities and/or which addresses the problems of bringing up children, both in terms of work with young people and with families
• Christian and other faith group who seek to make their faith socially relevant in inner city areas
• Projects that could be repeated in other areas and that will create a lasting impact
• Projects which show how some of the money can be retained in the community and which encourage local employment
Applicants are expected to show that they have taken advantage of government and local government funding where this is relevant and available.
For further information and to apply, contact Kate Sparkes, on 0161 292 3691.
Deadline: Saturday 15 December 2012