Launch of partnership grants to get GM walking

GM WalkingGMCVO have launched the third stage of a grants programme to get Greater Manchester Walking.

Funded by Greater Manchester Moving (with money from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership), partnership grants of up to £15,000 are being offered to support activities that encourage people who are usually less active to start or increase the amount they walk regularly.

The grants are for new or existing partnerships, led by a voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation, that are working together to get more people in Greater Manchester walking regularly. There will be a total of three GM Walking Partnership grants awarded. Applications should show a joined up approach that considers any other relevant plans and initiatives as well as looking for opportunities to attract match funding through the grant.

Ideas for grants may (but not exclusively) include:

  • Engaging with communities, schools and businesses to encourage walking as part of the daily routine
  • Working with communities to understand key walking destinations, routes and local barriers and solutions to get people walking
  • Making environmental changes/improvements that will encourage walking

The grants will be awarded to voluntary and community groups and social enterprises operating in Greater Manchester for the benefit of Greater Manchester residents and can be used to pay for equipment and capital projects, travel expenses, training, additional staff-time and sessional workers.

There is a two stage process with the deadline to submit an Expression of Interest: 23 March 2020 5pm.

There is a briefing event on 27 February, 1.30pm, click here to book a place

To find out more about the grants programme, to check eligibility and to apply for a grant click here

To find out more about the wider GM Walking initiative, visit the GM Walking website here