Live Well with Cancer Programme

The Live Well with Cancer Programme is about connecting people from across Manchester who support those who have a cancer diagnosis and producing a clear pathway of available health and wellbeing information and resources by locality. As a part of the programme, there will be online stakeholder steering group meetings in the first and second week of September and then one in person event at the end of the process, which will bring all stakeholders into one space to discuss how you can collaborate and work together going forward to strengthen the support available to people affected by cancer. When we have worked with each locality, a final central event will take place to showcase our outcomes and further strengthen collaborative work throughout Greater Manchester. If you are interested in joining these stakeholder meetings please contact [email protected]

6th September, 9am-9.45am Teams meeting    
19th September, 9am-9.45am Teams meeting    
4th October, 10am-3pm, In person

5th September, 10am-10.45am Teams meeting
19th September, 9am-9.45am Teams meeting    
4th October, 10am-3pm, In person

5th September, 9am-9.45am Teams meeting    
19th September, 9am-9.45am Teams meeting    
4th October, 10am-3pm, In person