Enable grants are awarded to charities which have identified clear development needs, and provide a great opportunity to strengthen charities to deliver more effectively.
Enable grants are up to a total of £15,000 over one or two years, and can reinvigorate charities through funding organisational improvements, development of areas such as leadership and governance, improved systems and demonstrating outcomes. These developments put charities in a stronger position to better deliver services and attract funding.
Enable grants are awarded to charities that meet the eligibility criteria and have also identified clear development areas which will support their growth. Enable grants are not awarded for costs which are considered to be for the core running of a charity. Enable is not a small grants programme and funds work to support identified development needs.
Enable can fund a range of activity related to the development and improvement of the capability of your organisation, for example:
• Business and service developments and plans
• Development of monitoring systems
• Investigation of mergers, partnerships, shared services, contract diversification
• Consultancy support
• Quality standards
• Development of new income streams and enterprise
Enable grant applicants must identify specific organisational development, have a clear plan of activities and an idea of what they hope to achieve. As a result of their grant funding, they must meet one or more of the five outcomes:
1. Improved activities and services
Including pilots, assessment of needs, user satisfaction, service reviews, project planning, collaboration with others
2. Improved leadership/governance
Including review of board/committee policy and practice, Trustee training, involving users, change management, social entrepreneurship
3. Improved strategic planning/policy
Including business planning, fundraising strategies, income generation, policy and procedure reviews
4. Improved structures/systems
Including financial controls, human resources, management of volunteers, risk management, monitoring frameworks, impact assessment
5. Improved communications
Including marketing and communications, website development, reaching new audiences, recruiting volunteers
Applications for Enable grants are accepted on an ongoing basis, and applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application within six months of the application being received.
For further information and to apply, visit: www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/our-programmes/enable