Lloyds Bank Foundation – Invest and Enable Grants

The Lloyds Bank Foundation funding programmes offer short and long term grants. Support is adapted to the needs of small and medium sized charities that are committed to delivering work which breaks or prevents cycles of disadvantage.

Invest provides longer term core or delivery funding for charities which meet the programme aim and are delivering clear outcomes as a result of their work. These grants are from £10,000 up to maximum of £25,000 per year for two or three years, with the opportunity for continuation funding for a further period – up to six years in total. Core organisational costs (including running costs and salaries) will be funded. Costs associated with the direct delivery of your work will be also be funded.

Enable provides a great opportunity to strengthen your charity so it can deliver more effectively. It can reinvigorate the charity by funding; organisational improvements; development of areas such as leadership and governance; improved systems; demonstrating outcomes etc. These developments will put the charity in a stronger position to be able to deliver services better and attracting funding.

Enable grants are for up to £15,000 over two years. Grants are awarded to charities that meet the same basic criteria as the Invest programme (charities addressing issues of multiple disadvantages at points of transition) but have also identified clear development areas which will support their growth.

Enable can fund a range of activity related to the development and improvement of the capability of your organisation, for example:
• business and service developments and plans
• development of monitoring systems
• investigation of mergers, partnerships, shared services, contract diversification
• consultancy support
• quality standards
• development of new income streams and enterprise

What you do
You must work with people aged 17 and over who are experiencing at least one of the following:
• Have been abused or are at risk of abuse
• Are victims of sexual exploitation or trafficking
• Are ex-offenders or those at risk of offending
• Are long term unemployed and are considered to be furthest away from the labour market
• Are leaving care
• Are homeless
• Have learning disabilities
• Have mental health and wellbeing issues
• Have addictions
• Are refugees or asylum seekers
• Have caring responsibilities
• Are older and are losing independence
• Are isolated and vulnerable
• Have severe financial difficulty as a compounding disadvantage

Round 1 deadline: Friday 20 November 2015

For further information and to apply, visit: www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/our-programmes/, or contact 0870 411 1223, or email: [email protected]