Local Charities Day – 14 December 2018

This year’s Local Charities Day will take place on 14 December. Each year Local Charities Day shines a spotlight on the incredible work local charities do to build healthy and happy local communities. Local Charities Day builds on the work of the recently published Civil Society Strategy, where the Government  committed to enhancing relationships between businesses, charities and local areas, to help communities grow. Local Charities Day

You can get involved:
• Download the Local Charities Day toolkit, with materials to help promote the day on your channels
• Add the #LocalCharitiesDay Twibbon to your social media profile pics
• Promote the Local Charities Day Map and encourage local charities you know to add their details so people can find great charities in their areas
• Share pictures and stories of what you're up to - #LocalCharitiesDay
• Tell the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in one brief sentence alongside an image of your charity for them to create you a I’m supporting Local Charities Day graphic for you to share
• Share the link to these free Local Charities Day Webinars
• Write a short blog post about your work and why you’re supporting Local Charities Day and email it to: [email protected]

For further information and to get involved, visit: https://dcmsblog.uk/2018/11/local-charities-day-2018/