‘Manchester Against Modern Slavery’ New AFRUCA project to raise awareness of modern slavery in Manchester city launched

AFRUCA has received a new grant from Manchester City Council to help raise awareness of Modern Slavery in the city. Tagged ‘Manchester Against Modern Slavery’, the aim is to help prevent and disrupt Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking across Manchester. This one year project will be conducted as part of efforts by Manchester City Council to address the growing incidence of Modern Slavery in the city. AFRUCA

AFRUCA has strong experience of community engagement and anti-slavery preventive work having recently concluded a similar project on Domestic Slavery across London and Manchester with funding from the Home Office.

As part of this new project which will run till July 2019, AFRUCA will work across all communities across the city to raise awareness of different forms of modern slavery and in particular encourage reporting of cases. This will help to create better protection for victims across Manchester. The issues covered will range from sexual exploitation, domestic slavery and different forms of forced labour.

A key element of the project is the recruitment and training of Community Champions who will reach out to different communities, conducting awareness programmes targeting thousands of people across the City. This will help to improve protection for victims, especially children.

Debbie Ariyo OBE, CEO of AFRUCA said: “I am delighted that Manchester City Council is working with AFRUCA to reach out to different communities in raising awareness of Modern slavery, its consequences on victims and empowering people to help report cases. We look forward to working with others across the city to ensure this project is a success.