Manchester City Council - Neighbourhood investment funds

Manchester City Council are supporting local people by encouraging groups to apply for a neighbourhood investment fund (NIF). These are funds available to communities to make their neighbourhoods better places to live. The Neighbourhood Investment Fund (NIF) replaces CASH grant funding.

£20,000 of neighbourhood investment funding is available to every area (ward) in Manchester each year - to help groups carry out events and activities that benefit people in their local neighbourhood. All applications must be made online.

The fund can be used for many things including:
• supporting groups of residents back into employment or training
• establishing new community groups
• supporting established groups, new groups and delivering local projects
• clean ups, planting, recycling and reducing waste projects
• other activities important to your neighbourhood

The fund is open to established groups, voluntary groups and other community groups, as well as groups of residents working together for the first time. School Parent Teacher Associations can also apply if they have the support of local residents and parents and the project benefits the wider community as well as the school.

Your group must have a bank account in order to receive any approved funding, or have permission from another group to receive the funding for you as a referee. Payment cannot be made to personal bank accounts

Applications should fall into one of the following categories:
• Work and skills – supporting residents into work by offering additional learning and skills development, including activities relating to coaching, mentoring or volunteering;
• Community groups – seed funding new groups to get an idea off the ground and active engagement of the community to deliver projects. Established groups could also receive one-off funding to help support smaller groups and deliver local projects;
• Improving the environment and increase recycling – including community clean ups or planting projects. Projects that increase recycling and the reduction of waste in a community; or
• Other activities/events linked to ward priorities – applications will be considered for activities/events that support communities and the priorities of the area (ward). Discuss your ideas with your Regeneration Ward Officer before applying. Contact details can be found within your neighbourhood

Applications are reviewed by a panel to decide where funds should be allocated. Your Regeneration Ward Officer will keep you updated throughout the process - applications should not exceed £10,000.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0161 234 3159