Manchester City of Literature – Trustee opportunity

Manchester was designated a UNESCO City of Literature in 2017, following a successful bid from a partnership led by Manchester City Council, The University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and involving a range of partners, publishers, festivals, writing agencies, libraries and cultural organisations.

A not-for-profit organisation, Manchester City Of Literature, was established in 2019 to maximise the benefit of the designation to all partners, writers and residents in the city.

Manchester City Of Literature is now seeking Trustees to join the Board and to ensure the
designation celebrates the diverse range of voices in Manchester and is truly owned by the city at large.

Who can apply?
Anyone from Greater Manchester who’s passionate about wanting to make Manchester a place where reading and writing are valued, nurtured and shared.

Anyone who’s passionate about uniting the voices of writers and all those involved in literary activities.

Manchester City of Literature want to ensure that they are owned by the whole city and that they reflect the city’s rich diversity. Manchester City of Literature invite applications from all parts of the city, from all backgrounds and from all ages especially those under 30.

Manchester City of Literature are keen to find Trustees who can support their ambitious plans to build international connections, to connect more communities to reading and writing locally and to raise the profile of Manchester as a home for writing and reading nationally.

Manchester City of Literature are also interested in Trustees who can support their digital strategy, can help raise funds and resources for the sector and can ensure they have robust financial plans in place.

The role of a Trustee will be to:

  • Provide strategic direction for Manchester UNESCO City of Literature
  • Oversee the work of the Executive Office and ensure good management of the charity
  • Ensure that financial and other resources are well managed and used effectively
  • Use their skills, knowledge, experience and contacts to help shape the development of the organisation
  • Participate in working groups with Network members on specific areas of work or time-limited projects
  • Demonstrate and uphold the organisation’s core values
  • Act as spokespeople for Manchester City of Literature and advocate for its work

To apply for the role, please submit:

  • a letter and CV (no more than four sides of A4)
  • or a video (no more than ten minutes long)

Whether a letter or video, state why you would like to be considered for this role and what attributes, skills and strengths you would bring to the role. Alternatively this information could be provided in video format, no more than 10 minutes in length.

Applications or videos should be emailed to: [email protected]

For more information click here

Deadline: 14 October 2020