Manchester Parent Carer Forum - It’s an essential lifeline

Macc recently managed the latest Spirit of Manchester Fund round of grants which focused on organisations that support people with the cost of living crisis. We will be sharing stories in August to show the impact of these grants and the wide range of projects that they supported. Today, we have the story from Manchester Parent Carer Forum:

"Manchester Parent Carer Forum gives a collective voice to the lived experience of parents/carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). We also run various events and projects throughout the year - providing opportunities for parents/carers and families to meet each other; gathering feedback and increasing participation; sharing knowledge and empowering parents/carers to advocate for their children; helping battle isolation and improving the wellbeing of SEND families.

Throughout the year, we join/host various boards, meetings, consultations, and listening events to ensure that parents’ and carers’ experiences and feedback are considered when local partners such as Manchester City Council and Manchester Local Care Organisation plan and develop services for people with SEND. Wherever possible, we offer lunch, refreshments, and transportation to parent representatives who join these meetings on a voluntary basis.

One of our members, JKhan, told us, “I’ve been very fortunate since relocating to Manchester. The wealth of information/services coupled with the warmth of support networks like the MPCF is profound. It’s given me a chance to speak and share about experiences and, take on parenting advice and support. It’s an essential lifeline!”

Our events and coffee mornings allow parents/carers to meet others and exercise self-care – a boost to their health and wellbeing. Our parent workshops and information sharing efforts enable and empower parents/carers to be better able to support and advocate for their children. Our inclusive family events are free as well, allowing SEND families to enjoy activities that they otherwise may not be able to experience.

Another parent recently told us, “You are doing a fantastic job by providing plenty of useful information and emotional support as well. Being a parent-carer is not easy and your support is highly appreciated. ❤” We get annual financial support from the Department for Education and Manchester City Council, and we occasionally try to apply for external funding for specific projects, but the cost-of-living crisis means that we are now able to do less with the amounts that we receive. This funding will be an essential lifeline to us and will allow us to do more this year."