Manchester's Intelligence Hub – find out statistics about your local area

Ever wanted to know the level of educational attainment, the crime level or population in a specific ward? All the information you need can now be found in one place.

The Intelligence Hub Analysis Tool (IHAT) is an interactive application which allows you to view and interrogate data. IHAT contains a wide range of statistical information relating to Manchester, which can be displayed on a map, data grid and bar chart. Other location-based data can be overlaid on the map to provide context for the data. The hub also offers links to advice on research, evaluation, commissioning and procurement.

IHAT contains over 100 statistical variables, spanning different themes. Data can be exported for your own analysis. The themes, which include population, income, education and housing, broadly follow the themes identified in the State of the Wards and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment reports, and are available for Manchester wards.

To find out more, or start your research, visit: