Salford CVS is working with the University of Salford to map social prescribing provision across Greater Manchester.
This is an important piece of work as it will help to determine the extent of social prescribing provision as we move forward across GM to develop social prescribing models as part of our Person and Community-Centred Approaches programme. The aim is to create a 'map' of social prescribing for the whole of GM to understand the great work that's already happening, lift out the beacons of good practice and help share information and ideas across GM.
Salford CVS are also carrying out a 'deep dive' into the pathways and arrangements for social prescribing activity in one district (Salford).
To make it as easy as possible for you, the surveys have been tailored for those who either (1) deliver services that are prescribed to or (2) those who carry out the 'prescribing' and make referrals.
If you are working anywhere in Greater Manchester (but not Salford):
(1) Please use this link if you receive social prescribing referrals to your service
(2) Please use this link if you carry out referrals or do social 'prescribing'
If you are working in Salford only:
(1) Please use this link if you receive social prescribing referrals to your service in Salford
(2) Please use this link if you provide referrals/ do social prescribing in Salford
Please note that if your organisation delivers the same work in Salford and in other GM districts, you should complete the Salford survey and not the GM one.
The deadline for completion of this survey is Friday 4 May 2018.
Salford CVS are planning to hold a Plenary event on 24 May, at which the preliminary results will be shared. If you would like to attend this event, leave your contact details at the end of the questionnaire.
The final report will be shared at the GM Person and Community-Centred Approaches Conference in July 2018.
For further information, visit:, or contact Andrea Gibbons, on 0161 295 6371 or email: [email protected].