Medium grants up to £3,000 are available for voluntary groups, community groups and social enterprises to get more people in Greater Manchester walking. These grants aim to test different approaches and share the learning generated. Safe physical activity opportunities are being supported during Covid-19 restrictions as it is important for everyone in Greater Manchester’s health and wellbeing.
All activities must encourage people who are usually less active to start or increase the amount they walk regularly whilst adhering to government social distancing guidelines.
They must also address one or more of the following:
- Support individuals not in work, with long term health conditions or young people
- Engage with communities, schools and businesses to encourage walking as part of the daily routine
- Work with communities to understand key walking destinations, routes and local barriers and solutions to get people walking
- Increase the number of trained and confident “Walking Champions” who are active in the community
- Make environmental changes/improvements that will encourage walking
The grants can be used to pay for; equipment and capital projects, travel expenses, training, additional staff-time and facilitators.
Organisations will become part of a network that promotes and supports walking across Greater Manchester.
To be eligible applicants must:
- Be a constituted Voluntary, Community or Social Enterprise organisation (VCSE) operating in Greater Manchester for the benefit of Greater Manchester residents (also includes Glossop)
- Applications from CIC’s will be accepted if they have a minimum of three directors, a membership and an asset lock with a specified organisation named
- Applications from Companies limited by guarantee will need a minimum of three directors, and within their Articles of Association a statement about their purpose and social impact, a not for profit clause, a director remuneration clause as well as a clause stating that assets will be distributed to another not-for-profit organisation fulfilling similar objects if they dissolve
- Have a bank account requiring two signatures in the name of your organisation
- If applicable to the people taking part in the activity, have in place an up to date safeguarding policy with staff and/or volunteers undertaking DBS checks if appropriate to the role
- Have signed up to the Walking Voice network and commit to raising awareness of the GM Walking campaign
- Be willing to undertake an evaluation of your project and share the learning generated
- Give permission for GMCVO, GM Moving and GM Walking to feature your project on their website
GMCVO are holding a briefing session about the grants on Thursday 26 November, 11am-12.30pm, online Click here to register
For more information and to apply click here
Deadline: 21 December 2020, 12pm