For any organisations with NHS health funding there is a meeting to support completing the NHS data security protection toolkit on 6 February, 10am-12pm at Salford CVS.
This NHS Digital Toolkit is required whenever a service is procured under an NHS Standard contract as well as for broader service e.g. access to mental health systems. It was also recently asked for as part of the GMCA procurement for Working Health Specialist Support (Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism). So it is becoming something more and more organisations in the sector are having to complete.
A number of organisations have had queries about it / difficulties in submitting it. We will look at the toolkit to try to resolve those issues. The workshop has the support of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and we are hoping to get an Information Governance lead from the Health and Social Care Partnership / NHS England in to help support the session (its currently being arranged).
In terms of whether the session is useful will really depend on your current work and aspiration in terms of grants and contract.
More about us: The Greater Manchester VCSE Information Governance Workshop has been going for just under a year and meets quarterly to enable individuals within the sector who have to deal with Information Governance an opportunity to network, problem solve and gain professional development. The attendees set the agenda. For information email Lesley Connor at: [email protected]
To confirm your attendance at the meeting, email: [email protected]