Mind Your Money launches the Talk Money Stress Less campaign

If you are a community group and want to put on an event that gets people talking about money Mind Your Money have a small budget and a wealth of knowledge to help you.

The 'Talk Money Stress Less' campaign aims to stop people feeling ashamed about struggling with money. If people are able to talk about money problems they are more likely to be pointed in the direction of good money advice rather than resort to payday loans, doorstep lenders or cutting back on essentials such as food, gas and electric.

Mind Your Money are looking to support community events which include activities aimed at encouraging people to talk about money. This could simply be a coffee morning or as part of a larger event. Events will need to take place between 1 July and 30 September 2015 in Manchester.

Who can apply?
Voluntary and Community Sector organisations, 'Friends of' and Resident/Tenant Associations. Groups who apply must be constituted or affiliated to an organisation which is constituted.

What can I apply for?
Mind Your Money can help out with costs directly relating to your talk more stress less event. This could be for refreshments, venue hire, speakers or materials. It is not meant to cover things such as staff costs or existing events.

How much can I apply for?
Costs up to a maximum of £500 can be applied for. These must be reasonable costs and Mind Your Money would want to know how the money is being spent.

How do I apply?
Email your expression of interest outlining what the event is about, the activities involved and how many people will be attending and the date and time if known at this stage to: [email protected]

For further information, contact 0161 227 1352.

Deadline: Friday 29 May 2015