MSD’s UK COVID-19 Dedicated Grants Programme

msdThe COVID-19 pandemic is creating unprecedented challenges for health charities and for the populations that they support. In recognition of this, MSD are launching a dedicated Grants Programme to support health charities and vulnerable populations around the UK. The aim is to support charities to continue projects, which might otherwise have proven too difficult to implement or, to support the creation of new projects which are now needed.

Eligibility criteria
MSD welcomes funding applications for projects which are either needed to ensure the completion of existing projects or to support newly created projects which will:

  • Support patients or their families being treated in the UK healthcare environment, as listed in the NHS’ Covid 19 Vulnerable populations list
  • OR improve a given disease pathway e.g. disease awareness or alleviation of associated socio-economic factors
  • OR support populations groups defined as clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 infection

Organisations interested in applying must be:

  • A registered UK based charity (please provide charity number within the application)
  • Have been operating as a charity for 3 years or more

For more information and to apply click here or email: [email protected]

Deadline: 31 July