Mustard Tree – Fill a crate for Christmas

mustard tree fill a crate for christmasIf you’re part of a community group, church, college, school or company, help Mustad Tree combat food poverty this winter by filling a crate for Christmas.

The Mustard Tree team can deliver the crates for free, or you can pick them up from their Ancoats hub on Oldham Road during opening weekday opening hours (Monday – Friday, 10am – 2pm).

Donating items
If donations can fit into a car, Mustard Tree would be grateful if you could drop them off at their hubs during opening times (they can be left outside their shutters to minimise contact). For larger food donations, Mustard Tree can arrange a collection – contact 0161 850 2282 or email: [email protected] to arrange.

For a list of food items Mustard Tree need click here