NCVO and CAF Campaign – Back Britain’s Charities

NCVO has released the results of their annual joint report with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). The findings are stark. They show a real terms 20% fall in donations to charities during the past year. Fewer people are giving and those who do are giving less. And this is against a backdrop of spending cuts and rising demand for services. Whilst the picture for individual charities varies this overall view of the sector is concerning. To read the report, visit:

Britain, however, remains a generous nation with donors supporting all manner of good causes, both at home and overseas. Preserving and making best use of that generosity is more important now than ever so that's why, together NCVO and CAF, have launched a brand new campaign: Back Britain’s Charities, aimed at ensuring that the vital work of charities is not damaged by this worrying fall in giving.

The campaign has five key aims. The campaign asks:
• The public to support charities through regular giving, regardless of how much time or money they can give
• The Government to modernise and promote Gift Aid and payroll giving so donations go further
• The Government to ensure that public bodies do not cut funding for charities disproportionately when making spending reductions
• Business to support charities, either through donations or through practical means
• Charities to work with the Government to modernise and improve fundraising and to enhance their impact so that every pound given goes further to helping beneficiaries

So how can you help?
Show your support by signing up on the campaign website.
You can also show your support on Twitter using #backingcharity.

And ask as many of your contacts as possible to add their backing on the Back Britain's Charities website.