Neighbourhood Planning - Grants and Support

Two different types of support are available to help you write your neighbourhood plan or prepare a neighbourhood development order:
• Technical Support
• Neighbourhood Planning Grant

Technical Support
Technical Support is available to groups facing more complex issues developing their neighbourhood plan.

Technical Support is designed to provide you with information (evidence) and advice (professional judgement) which will help you to decide your priorities and direction, to draft policy, avoid legal challenges and to engage confidently with stakeholders such as developers, councils, local businesses and of course residents who will have a vote at the end of it all.

Consultants will work alongside you, doing only what you cannot manage and with a clearly defined brief, such as producing a design guide, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), evidence review or site assessment. The more substantial pieces of work will last between a few weeks to several months depending on the complexity of your situation.
Locality are particularly keen to help ambitious groups, from all types of neighbourhood, who want to really influence how their place grows and changes going into the future.

Neighbourhood Planning Grants
All groups are eligible to apply for a grant of up to £8,000.

Some ideas of what you might apply to use grant for include:
• Developing a website
• Training sessions for members of the steering group
• Help with putting together a project plan
• Undertaking a household survey
• Help with developing the evidence base
• Engaging a planning expert
• Venue hire, publicity materials, printing and other costs associated with consultation

For further information and to apply, visit:

Deadline: Applications can be made at any time.