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North-West physical activity provider survey and learning tool

24 Feb 2022 - 13:20 by michelle.foster

This survey and learning tool, is to be completed by any organisation based in the North-West that sees themselves as a provider of movement based activities, sport or physical exercise opportunities, delivered to their members, service users and community (e.g. dancing, football, gardening, exercise classes, walking and so on).  

The survey is being conducted on behalf of the North-West Active Partnership Social Prescribing Forum, which consists of the 5 Active Partnerships in the region and Sport England colleagues, who collectively promote physical activity and support delivery across the region. So the partnership can help organisations across the region to better connect with social prescribing, they would really appreciate hearing your thoughts.

The partnership will be looking to respond to your feedback, and wherever possible provide support or training to both yourselves and link workers, so it is hoped by you completing this survey, it will benefit you, your organisation/club/group and your participants.

Complete the North-West physical activity provider social prescribing survey

Deadline: 2 March 2022

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