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One Manchester Community Fund - Introducing the One Manchester Soup

8 Jul 2016 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

This time round One Manchester are trying something new - the One Manchester Soup. Based on a project that’s had brilliant results in Detroit, One Manchester are inviting people and groups with creative ideas that make a real difference in their communities to pitch their ideas to a community audience. The audience will then decide on which projects should get what funding over a bowl of soup (or some other lovely food).

But how exactly does it work?
• If you’ve got an idea, scroll down the page and click on the area your project will benefit
• Complete the form explaining more about your project and how it will make a difference
• One Manchester will then be invite projects they think will make the most difference to pitch your idea at your local area One Manchester Soup
• One Manchester will provide help to get your four minute pitch ready for the community audience
• The local community will then come along to listen to your ideas and debate amongst themselves which projects should be funded while enjoying their food
• The audience will then vote and the successful projects will be given funding.

For further information and to apply, visit: www.onemanchester.co.uk/community-fund/, or contact Belinda Hayes on 0161 230 1013, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Tuesday 19 July 2016

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