The One Manchester Community Fund (Community Soups) allows local community groups and businesses to pitch for up to £5,000 in funding to support their projects and voting takes place within the community.
Are you a group or individual with innovative plans to make a difference in our neighbourhoods? This can be making the best of local resources or public spaces, addressing environmental issues, helping improve people’s wellbeing or starting a local business. One Manchester want everyone in their communities to have the opportunity to access positive activities that promote health and wellbeing, bring the community together and help reduce loneliness and isolation.
One Manchester areas:
Miles Platting
Moss Side
Applications are assessed internally for shortlisting and are judged on how well the project aligns with One Manchester's vision, whether the project is sustainable and how well the project demonstrates social innovation. You must be available for the appropriate date to pitch should your project get shortlisted.
The idea is based on a project that’s had brilliant results in Detroit. One Manchester invite people and groups with creative ideas that will make a difference in their communities to pitch to local people at one of four events across the city. After enjoying a bowl of soup (or some equally lovely hot food) and listening to the pitches, the audience then vote for the projects they think should get the funding.
For further information and to apply, visit:
Deadline for applications: 11 February 2019