Opportunities to deliver probation services in Greater Manchester

GMCVO and Greater Manchester Probation Trust are looking to find new local providers to develop the provision of services for women and young men offenders, or their families, in Greater Manchester.

They are running a competition and a grant funding scheme side by side to find local voluntary and community sector groups that can either:
• grow their services (‘Scaling Up’), or
• extend current delivery (‘Service Plus’ grant fund)

Eligible groups can apply for both schemes.

GMCVO and Greater Manchester Probation Trust are particularly interested in services that could work with offenders, or their families, with alcohol misuse, mental health conditions, or learning disability.

For further information and to apply, visit: www.gmcvo.org.uk/opportunity-deliver-services-transforming-delivery-probationary-services-greater-manchester

Deadline for applications: Wednesday 27 February 2013, 12noon