Opportunity to get involved in research exploring daily activity for people with low mood and physical health conditions

The purpose of the study is to better understand the day to day lives of people living with one or more physical health conditions and who also have low mood. This is to help work out better ways to support people who have these conditions. In particular, the study is to find out about people’s daily activities and any activities they may do with friends and family.

If you were to take part, a researcher would go through some eligibility questions with you. This would consist of completing a screening questionnaire for low mood on two occasions. If you have persisting low mood, you would be invited for the interview stage of the study.

The researcher will ask you questions about your day to day activities and any challenges and support systems you may have to do physical activities. ‘Physical activities’ means any activity that requires you to expel energy. These may be activities you may do while standing or sitting down, such as wheelchair yoga, doing housework, going to the shop, to work, or meeting with a friend.

The researcher will also ask you if a close friends or family member, who gives you any kind of support, could also be approached for interview. You do not need to agree to this to take part in the interview yourself.

Information about the study, along with the full participant information sheet and consent to contact form, can be found at: https://dailyactivitystudyblog.wordpress.com/

For further information and to take part, contact 0161 275 7664, or email: [email protected]

The study has received ethical approval from the South East Scotland Research Ethics Committee (research ethics reference number: 16/SS/0032).