Our Manchester Voluntary and Community Sector Grant Programme Launch

Book now to reserve a place at the launch of the new Our Manchester Voluntary and Community Sector grants programme.

Date & Time: Thursday 7 September 2017, 11.30am - 2pm
Venue: The Great Hall, Manchester Town Hall, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA

Manchester City Council and partners are proud to launch a new funding programme for voluntary and community sector organisations.

Councillor Sue Murphy, Deputy Leader and lead Member for the voluntary and community sector, will introduce the session.

You will learn how organisations can apply for funding and there will be interactive exercises exploring Our Manchester.

Tickets are free and limited to one representative per organisation (plus carer if appropriate) as demand is expected to be high.

Registration begins at 11:30am for a 12 noon start.

Light refreshments will be provided.

To register, visit: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/our-manchester-voluntary-community-sector-grant-programme-launch-tickets-36922356763?aff=es2