Participants wanted for a Focus group on digital health data

Would you like to join a Focus Group to discuss how your digital health data is shared?

Nuffield are looking for volunteers aged 18+ years to participate in a focus group study investigating attitudes towards the sharing of health data for secondary purposes in a digitally connected world.

You will be part of a focus group of 7-12 people to discuss opinions relating to the sharing of data relevant to health for different purposes, such as research, improving health or other services, and marketing.

Nuffield want to explore what people think are the risks and benefits to them if data relevant to their health is shared in different situations.

There are no right or wrong answers.

An honorarium of £20 for your time and up to £30 for reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Date: Mid July 2019, date to be confirmed
Duration: Approximately 2-3 hours
Location: University of Manchester

If you would like more information, contact Nisha Shah on 01865 287 896, or email:  [email protected]