Peer Leadership Academy 2018: application open for the next Academy

The NHS England Personalised Care Group is inviting applications from people with lived experience of personalised approaches to health and social care to participate in the Autumn Peer Leadership Academy 2018. People Hub

You are eligible to apply if you are an individual or family carer who has personal experience of personalised care. This could be through:
• A personal health budget or an integrated budget for health and social care.
• A personalised care and support plan
• An experience of being linked into peer support or to support organisations after a discussion with a health or social care professional
• An experience of ongoing conversations with a health professional about your condition where you discuss your options for treatment, and the potential risks and benefits of those
• An experience of receiving a social prescription to support self-management of a long-term physical health condition or a mental health condition

The NHS England Personalised Care Group are looking for people who have lived experience of personalised approaches to health and social care with direct relevance to the work of the Personalised Care Group. You must be willing to commit to playing an on-going role in shaping policy and practice within personalised care at a national and local level. However, levels of commitment may vary depending on people’s individual circumstances.

This highly successful personal development programme has run for the last four years and aims to build people’s knowledge, skills and confidence to play an active role in the Personalised Care Programme at a national and local level.

It is being delivered in collaboration with Peoplehub over three 2 x day residential sessions at Burleigh Court Loughborough in September, October and November 2018. Accommodation and travel is provided.

For further information and to apply, visit:

The deadline for applications is: Tuesday 28 August 2018, 17:00