The People’s Millions

• Got a great idea for a project to inspire your community?
• Want to involve local people working together to tackle a problem?
• Know what you want to do but need some money to make it happen?

The Big Lottery Fund and ITV are looking for new projects that will improve local places and the lives of people in your community.

In November 2013 ITV regional news will feature two great project ideas in each region each night for three nights, competing for viewers’ phone votes. At stake is up to £50,000 from the Big Lottery Fund.

To have a chance of winning you’ll need to inspire local people to get involved with your project. It’ll also need to capture the public’s imagination and persuade them to vote for you.

We have £3.8 million to give out. We expect to make four awards in each ITV region.

Who can enter?
• You can enter if you’re a voluntary or community organisation, school, local authority or health body
• Entries from branches of organisations or partnerships will be considered

How much is available?
• You can ask for between £20,000 and £50,000 (including VAT).

What can be applied?
• All your project costs can be applied for
• Or you can ask for part of a larger project
• If you’re a voluntary or community organisation, a contribution towards your organisation’s overheads will be considered
• But the amount you ask for must be at least half the total cost of your project
• Existing work, anything you spend or agree to before the phone vote, or new buildings will not be considered

For further information and to apply, visit: 
Deadline: Monday 13 May 2013