People's Plan for Greater Manchester Published

Following the launch of the People's Plan in October, over a thousand people throughout Greater Manchester have been involved in this initiative and a report of their findings has now been published.

Greater Manchester is undergoing significant change with new devolved powers, an upcoming mayoral election and major changes to health and social care commissioning. The aim of the People's Plan is to provide an opportunity for local people and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to have a meaningful say in shaping the future of Greater Manchester.

All who live, work and study in Greater Manchester were invited to participate in an online survey and through public meetings, and over a thousand people responded. The report of the findings from these events and the survey is now available, and it includes the following areas:

  • Homes
  • Health and care
  • Transport
  • Democracy
  • Environment
  • Jobs and economy

Each area includes a look at the challenges that Greater Manchester faces and contains suggestions for how these could be addressed.

A full copy of the report is available from the People's Plan website -