Pink Ribbon Foundation

The Pink Ribbon Foundation's mission is to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or who have been affected by breast cancer or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available for revenue, capital or project costs.

The Foundation provides financial support to charities in the UK whose objects are:
• To relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or have been affected by, breast cancer by providing, or assisting in the provision of, information, care or emotional, practical and financial support.
• To advance public education in the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment, in particular but not exclusively by commissioning, or conducting, research into the causes, detection and treatment of breast cancer and by disseminating the results of such research.

The Foundation is keen to support initiatives which promote a positive view of living with breast cancer.

The Foundation will consider applications from general cancer charities if any grant made will be used to benefit those suffering from, or affected by, 50% of patients that suffer from Breast Cancer or for research into, or the dissemination of information about, breast cancer.

For further information and to apply, visit:

The deadline for applications is 27 May 2016