Powerhouse, Moss Side, Manchester – Soft Market Testing Exercise

The Powerhouse is a large purpose built youth centre in Moss Side. The Powerhouse are currently looking for agencies/organisations/partnerships who are interested in developing new operating arrangements for the Powerhouse in Moss Side Manchester and have decided to start a process of soft market testing.

Soft market testing is an informal, and generally confidential, conversation with sections of a perceived market. Invited participants are invited to express and interest in writing or via interview to allow for market interest in a scheme or project to be gauged and questions asked to help shape the potential scheme and ensure it would be deliverable. Soft market testing is not part of a formal procurement process.

The Powerhouse Board invites expressions of interest (in writing) from agencies/ organisations/ partnerships who may be interested in developing new management arrangements for the centre. The proposed timeline for the process is:
• Board approval for briefing documents 28/1/16
• EOI invited – deadline 29/2/16
• EOI reviewed and interviews arranged as appropriate – mid March 2016
• Preferred partner(s) identified by 31/3/16
• Develop business plan and agree with external stakeholders by 31/5/16
• Undertake implementation 1/7/16 to 31/3/17
• Full transfer by 31/3/17

Interested parties are required to request the briefing information by emailing Calire Evans at: [email protected]

Questions relating to the current centre operations (up to the EOI deadline) will be answered by email and responses shared with all interested parties. The email address for the soft market testing exercise is: [email protected]

Expressions of Interest
Parties are requested to address the following points in their expression of interest:
1. Provide organisational information including governance, financial, aims, future plans and relevant experience.
2. Proposed governance for the Powerhouse, legal structure and partnerships as appropriate.
3. Capital and revenue plans, including capacity to invest or attract investment.
4. Usage and user plans – please indicate how existing users would or would not be accommodated (Library, Emerge, TYS, MYL, CAPS)
5. How would you approach the development of the youth offer (and the involvement of young people) and partnerships within the centre and the wider area

Deadline: Monday 29 February 2016