Apply for funding for community projects that prevent hate crime. Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by hostility or prejudice on the grounds of race (including colour, nationality, ethnicity and national origin), religion, disability, sexual orientation and transgender identity.
Providing funding for projects that prevent hate crime is one of the actions included in the UK government’s hate crime action plan.
About the fund
The aim of the fund is to work with affected communities to fund the development of projects that:
• prevent hate crime
• respond to hate crime in our communities
• increase the reporting of hate crime
• improve support for the victims of hate crime
• build our understanding of hate crime
The Home Office is seeking to fund projects up to £75,000. Project are expected to finish delivery by March 2020, with all invoices submitted by 31 March 2020.
The Home Office expect to fund up to 8 projects but reserve the right to vary the number of projects they fund.
The Home Office are looking for motivated and creative community groups to develop projects that help to prevent hate crime and issues associated with it. Your project development must involve stakeholders who are affected by, are past or potential perpetrators of hate crime, or those who support victims/perpetrators of hate crime.
The Home Office are particularly interested in projects targeting specific points of hate crime incidents, such as public transport, online or the night-time economy. However, this will not affect the assessment of applications and does not preclude any other types of projects from applying.
The following are eligible to apply:
• any registered English or Welsh charities
• any charitable incorporated organisation in England or Wales
• companies limited by guarantee
• not for profit registered community interest companies
• constituted community and voluntary community sector groups
• 3rd sector/public sector partnerships (providing the lead organisation bidding for funding is not a public sector or local government body)
• groups who have applied to this scheme previously whether they have been successful or unsuccessful in securing funding.
For further information and to apply, visit:, or email: [email protected]
Deadline: 7 December 2018