£150,000 through ACEVO to support charities to win Probation Contracts

The Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO) is planning to offer a programme of support to approximately 10 large voluntary organisations to enable them to compete for probation contracts from the Ministry of Justice (e.g. Transforming Rehabilitation). It will help them to apply for grants of up to £150,000 from the Cabinet Office Investment and Contract Readiness Fund. The main focus will be on building consortia. The programme will be run by a former director of SERCO Welfare. The scheme is part of a broader governmental approach  to voluntary organisations based on a concern that they are not sufficiently prepared for large-scale tenders and so the market will continue to be dominated by private sector providers.

It may be worthwhile for smaller organisations in Manchester involved in supporting offenders to form links with larger voluntary organisations involved in this scheme one they have been identified.