Manchester City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy is the city’s plan – a 10-year vision – for reducing health inequalities and improving residents' health.
Manchester City Council have refreshed the last version, agreed in 2013, so that it works alongside and supports the plan for health and social care devolution in Greater Manchester.
The overall priorities are the same, but some priorities and strategies have been updated. It still focuses on preventing ill health and getting rid of inequality, as well as integrating services and reforming them where they need to change to meet people’s needs.
The new version is also clearer about exactly what action the City Council will take to address some of the city’s health and wellbeing problems, what impact the City Council’s actions should have and how they will measure the outcomes.
The strategy covers seven priorities:
• Getting the young people in our communities off to the best start
• Improving people’s mental health and wellbeing
• Bringing people into employment and ensuring good work for all
• Enabling people to keep well and live independently as they grow older
• Turning round the lives of troubled families as part of the Confident and Achieving Manchester Programme
• One health and care system – right care, right place, right time
• Self care.
Manchester City Council are asking for your comments on the refreshed strategy.
For further information and to give your views, visit:
Deadline: Monday 18 January 2016